
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Food. Continued.

Ok. Back to the subject of food. And what a wonderful subject it is. Just so we are all on the same page, scroll down and read the post entitled, What about Joseph. Intermission. When you're finished shimmy back up here so we can continue diving into this wonderful aspect of life, faith and family.

Alright, let's start with the facts. The word food can be found 349 times in the Holy Bible(NLT).
Bread-258 times. Drink-346 times. Meat-83 times. Cheeseburger-Zero times(I did extensive research on this one folks.) Anyways, all jokes aside, I think it's plain to see that there is a little more to food than just providing nutrition for the body. Although nutrition in itself is an amazing concept. The complexities of this human body we are given are unimaginable. The intricate and beautiful design of life are beyond anything we can begin to fathom. God created man and gave us food to sustain ourselves while we are in this fragile yet amazing physical existence. Food is a gift from God Himself. A means to sustain ourselves while we are here to do His will. Therefore, how can we possibly take food for granted? The Hebrews knew this. They were fed with manna directly from heaven. They prepared each and every meal in accordance to the laws given to them from the Creator. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking the restaurant industry. Heck, it's been my financial inlet for many years. But oh how we have bastardized the importance of food in this present day society.

Tonight was one of those nights when it was very clear to me that sharing a meal means so much more than just getting our bellies full. When was the last time you sat down with friends or family or both and had a nice meal and just shared eachothers company. I did tonight. And although my stomach was more than content, my spirit was satisfied. Tiffany, Theresa, Megan and Mike, thank you.

You see, sharing a meal with someone without the distractions of this modern world we live in allows us to share in eachothers life. This is how we grow as a family. We learn, laugh and live. Sitting down for a quiet meal with the ones we love or a total stranger just might bring you closer to God than you know. The need and desire to eat is something that we all share. Therefore it will always be a common thread that binds each of us. To eachother and our Father. Jesus shared a meal with His disciples on the eve of the most important and most trying day of His life as a man.

More in a bit. Take a few and think about how much food and sharing has influenced your life. There is so much more to be said. In due time.

In the mean time, I pray that you are blessed, encouraged and engaged by what you have read. I hope that this will push you to look deeper into the significance of what the world may see as routine. Nothing is trivial. God has a will for each and every moment of your life. Seek it with all that you are.

Be Blessed,
J. Gabriel
Barbarian Disciple

Check back in the morning for more on this post and the first of many posts on becoming more UNDIGNIFIED FOR HIM!

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